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      Bunting in Terrington

      10:25PM UTC – Monday, 02 January 2006
      Contributed by: anngodden

      I’ve traced a line back to Frances Bunting, born c.1829 in Terrington, Norfolk. The 1851 census suggests that her parents could have been Thomas and Phoebe, but the IGI gives their children without including Frances. I’d be grateful for any information.


        Bunting Heritage Destroyed in Darby PA

        04:54PM UTC – Thursday, 05 January 2006
        Contributed by: Jerry Green

        16th December 2005 was a bad day for Bunting heritage in the USA.

        The lengthy battle of the Darby Borough Historical and Preservation Society to save the three-century-old Bunting House — an important stop in the Underground Railroad — ended this weekend as the demolition process got under way. See more of this story.

        Yesterday afternoon, the Bunting House in Darby, dating to 1699 and with ties to William Penn, was torn down.

        It was a loss for historic preservation.

        Steven Rota of West Chester, owner of the property at 1205 Main St., said the demolition was necessary for a very practical reason. People were squatting in the building, he said, and he was concerned it would collapse on them. He said his liability insurance had expired.

        The house, also known as the Bunting Freedom House and Friendship House, was declared unsafe four years ago by the borough, Rota said. See more of this story.

        Society Members can read more, if they have logged in,in this story from Issue 23 of the Society Journal.

        Do you know of any other Bunting Heritage that is threatened? What are you doing to Protect it?


          Belper Buntings

          11:36PM UTC – Saturday, 14 January 2006
          Contributed by: Susan Bunting

          I have traced my tree back to Samuel Bunting, born in Belper in 1810, to parents James and Mary. I am now stuck. I believe there were a lot of Buntings from Belper, does anyone have any information regarding this clan?


            3 – From the Editor

            07:54PM UTC – Monday, 30 January 2006
            Contributed by: Mr and Mrs Christine Paine

            Be are now well into our second year as a society, and I hope it proves to be a good and rewarding one for all of us.

            The last year has seen a dramatic rise in membership and this trend is continuing following a recent “recruiting campaign” by letter and an insert in “Family Tree” magazine.

            The latter came about following the acceptance of the Society as a recognised One Name Study Group. We are registered by The Guild of One Name Studies as number 1696.

            The highlight of our year was undoubtably the Annual Gathering on October 13th at Alpheton in Suffolk. As my cousin remarked on the day “It’s nice to see some live ones!” having spent so many months among the departed in our numerous pedigrees!

            We were delighted to welcome four members from among the descendants of Anthony Banting of Matlock from the United States. None of them had ever been to Britain before and certainly never expected to find themselves being entertained by the present owner of Bunting Field, thanks to Peter Grayson who whisked them back to Derbyshire with him following the Gathering. They left the house where their distant ancestors had lived clutching some fragments of old timbers from the recently restored roof sawn up for them by the present owner! (The old Quaker burial ground is now his kitchen garden.)

            Through our American Buntings we met and gained as members, Roy Pearl Bunting and their daughter Heather. Roy and Pearl are now exitedly researching their ancestry for the first time.

            I would like to thank you all for your letters. Some write regularly and I feel I have gained many new friends. It is always good to receive telephone calls – especially when they come from the other side of the world! One such from lan Bunton in Australia was a great thrill. Extracts from lan’s well presented research may be found under the heading “Tried At Colchester.”

            Thanks to you, our members, we are amassing numerous photographs of people and places: should you be in a position to supply or require any such material, do not hesitate to contact me.

            I do hope that ve shall neet many more of you at our Annual Gathering on Saturday 12th October 1991 at Alpheton in Suffolk.

            Those of us who live in the Horthern Hemisphere are looking forward to the better weather and will no doubt be out and about visiting sites and grovelling in graveyards, so I will wish you all a good season. Keep in touch and let us have your news.

            Christine Grayson-Toms.


              4 – From the Editor

              07:34PM UTC – Tuesday, 31 January 2006
              Contributed by: Jerry Green

              There is no end to the compiling of family history, whichever way you look at it. As our research into the past progresses, so our own lives unfold and the story continues. Even as I write, I mourn the death of my own Mother who, ten days before her death, was present at a family wedding in Sheffield.

              I like to keep the journal as much of a living record as possible, and to that end I would suggest that we begin to record current Bunting history in the journal. We have had a good response to the request for copies of Bunting birth, marriage and death certificates, but would be grateful if, having given us your tree from the earliest Bunting, (or if you haven’t, please could we have a copy!) you would let us know how it continues down to your own birth! We would also be glad to record any current Bunting family events.

              I am now in possession of some 19th century wills for my Derbyshire Buntings, and wonder if any of you making similar discoveries would be good enough to donate a photocopy or transcript for our archive.

              We received two requests for confirmation or otherwise as to whether there was a Bunting from the Buntingfield tree in the Parliamentary Army, and I was fortunate enough to find two of that name listed in a book in Chesterfield Library.

              We have seen one or two members since the reunion, and I look forward to meeting many more at Alpheton in October. Kay Beers from the U.S.A. visited England this year, but I don’t think she met any other members. We were delighted to make the acquaintance of Ken and Moira Bunting who found time to come over to Lavenham to meet us during a visit to their daughter Deborah Benton. They had been celebrating their grand-daughter’s 18th birthday.

              La Verne Bunting Hayes and Carol Bunting Barnes have been in touch with Joan Goodwin with a view to planting a tree in memory of Anthony Bunting in the grounds of the Chesterfield (Derbyshire) Meeting House. We shall keep you posted! It would be good for as many members as possible to attend.

              It has become apparent that one or two members have some difficulty reading small print. If anyone would like a taped copy of any of our jornals, they should send a suitably packaged blank tape and the return postage to me.

              Although we are enjoying hot sunnier weather at the moment, I realise that Christmas will have come and gone before I write another editorial, so may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

              Happy Bunting hunting! Christine


                Bunting born in Whitewill, Norfolk, England

                10:09AM UTC – Thursday, 02 February 2006
                Contributed by: Anonymous

                Hello, I’m looking for anybody who is researching Bunting.

                My Mary Ann Bunting was a Widow when she married George Wareham 23-5-1879 at Rockhampton, Queensland. Australia.She was 28 years old and born in 1851.

                Occupation given as Housekeeper.

                Mary Ann’s father was James Barber and mother Hannah Cerry.

                George Wareham ‘s 1st wife meet with a accident and died leaving him with 4 children to rear.

                Mary Ann Bunting ( Wareham ) raised the children and the eldest was Ellen Wareham ( my Nan).

                They settled in NSW. Australia.

                Is anybody researching my Mary Ann Bunting.

                Born Norfolk.

                Thanking you,



                  – Editorial

                  08:30PM UTC – Friday, 03 February 2006
                  Contributed by: Jerry Green

                  By the time you read this it will, for those in the Northern hemisphere at least, be BUNTING TIME! Bunting time, you may well be asking, What’s that? A description given in 1698 states that it is “when the grass is high enough to hide the young men and maids”….and if you are still puzzled, perhaps you should brush up your Shakespeare or read Thomas Hardy’s “The Woodlanders” to discover how our forebears set about their courting…most certainly pagan in origin, these practices survived into the 19th century, but could well have been shunned by Buntings with strong New Testament-based beliefs.

                  Our membership has continued to grow at a very satisfying rate, and we are delighted to have so many of you join us.

                  I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Ian Bunton in Australia for not writing a resume with which to preface the second part of his story. A death in my family meant that final checking was not as thorough as it should have been.

                  It should now be easier to trace families than hitherto in view of the work done by some of our members in copying the records from our national sources.

                  Following a suggestion put forward at our reunion, we are seeking members who would be willing to represent their home county. Firstly to encourage new members in their area, undertaking such local recruiting as they are able to effect; and secondly to assist those members who are unable to travel from other areas with local Bunting research. Should you be in a position to offer this service please get in touch with Mary Rix. We already have local representatives for the following areas: Lincolnshire – Roger Bunting, Shropshire and Warwickshire – Peter Bunting and London – George F Bunting. Roy Ashdown is collecting Manchester information.

                  I have not so far had any requests for taped readings of our journals, but I am still willing to make tapes for those with reading difficulties. Just send me a blank tape in a jiffy bag!

                  I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the reunion if not before.



                    Marjorie Moore, F.S.G., Deceased.

                    04:52PM UTC – Monday, 20 February 2006
                    Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                    Marjorie Moore, F.S.G., a friend, also a well known and respected person in the field of international family history and Organiser of the 2006, Society of Genealogists Show on April 29th, has died in a Safari, motoring accident whilst she was on holiday in South Africa. She will be cremated in South Africa.

                    My heart felt condolences go out to Richard, her husband.



                      Marjorie Moore, F.S.G., Deceased.

                      04:52PM UTC – Monday, 20 February 2006
                      Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                      Marjorie Moore, F.S.G., a friend, also a well known and respected person in the field of international family history and Organiser of the 2006, Society of Genealogists Show on April 29th, has died in a Safari, motoring accident whilst she was on holiday in South Africa. She will be cremated in South Africa.

                      My heart felt condolences go out to Richard, her husband.



                        MY KILLING COUSIN.

                        06:36PM UTC – Monday, 20 February 2006
                        Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                        The UK, Sunday Times, News Review for February 19th, 2006, has a two page article beginning on the front page and is a precis of a book to be published on March 2nd, 2006 titled “The Crippling Disadvantage of a Happy Irish Childhood” by author Walter Ellis.

                        In essence the story is about the relationship and exploits of two Northern Irish cousins RONNIE BUNTING, the author, WALTER ELLIS and Ronnie’s family.

                        If anyone has a family tree for Ronnie Bunting please let me know.

                        The publisher is “Mainstream” and the price will be UK £9.99 or if purchased from “The Sunday Times BooksDirect” on 0870 165 8585 the cost will be £9.49 post free. Presumably ONLY in the UK.

                        Whilst the paper had the following link it would not work for me possibly because my operating system is earlier than the specified Windows 2000 required at least by the electronic version of The Sunday Times. If I discover a solution I will add it as a “Reply”.



                          6 – Editorial

                          06:31PM UTC – Thursday, 23 February 2006
                          Contributed by: Mary Rix

                          The Bunting One-Name Society seems to continue to thrive. We are now past the 120 mark for membership with still more in the pipeline.

                          We already have quite a few bookings for the Gathering on October 10th at Alpheton, but there is still room for more.

                          For our summer break my husband, my son and I went to Derbyshire which seems to be the home of the Buntings. We visited Julie Bunting one of our Derbyshire members and received a very warm welcome. Julie and her husband Graham hope to come to the Gathering if their son is able to look after their animals while they are away.

                          I spent a mornimg in the Derbyshire Record Office looking to see what Bunting material they had and collecting one or two bits of information, while my husband and son went swimming. In the afternoon we went to Bonsall which appears in the Domesday Book as “Bunts Halh” the home of the Buntings. I collected the monumental inscriptions from the churchyard and also met one of the present day Buntings. He told me that his neighbour was also a Bunting (but no relation). I also met Stella Lindup who is writing a history of Bonsall for her M.A. One chapter is on the Buntings!

                          We are still looking for members who would be willing to represent their home counties. We have had no furthur volunteers. I cover Essex and Suffolk but there is still scope in other counties or countries. We are looking for members who do not mind approaching local Buntings and making them aware of The Bunting Society, or just asking them if they would give us any Bunting information they know thereby building up small trees many of which will take us from the 1891 census to 1912 when the mother’s maiden name is in the Index of Births and the Spouses name is in the Marriage Index.

                          I have been asked by Michael Bunting, our Treasurer, to remind you of the increase of subscription which was agreed at last years AGM. Since we started we have had two increases of postage but have managed to keep the subscriptions down. We feel that we need now to increase the subscriptions across the board by £1, thus making the new subscription £3 and £4 overseas. Journals for 1990, 1991 and 1992 will still be at the old subscription rate.

                          Mary Rix



                            03:10PM UTC – Friday, 24 February 2006
                            Contributed by: Mrs Christine L. James

                            My mother always called her grandmother Granny Bunting but on checking her mother’s birth certificate it was actually Bunten. I was pleased to see variants of the name were included on this site. I was hoping that somone could help with my wandering great grandfather William Bunten born about 1862. My mother knew very little about her grandfather because he left home after his son William died aged about 11 in 1910. She knew that he was a painter. I confirmed that he was a house painter not an artist. He seems to have evaded the census never being at home. My grandmother Constance was born in 1896 in Harlow. She had a younger brother Arthur who married Molly and they had a son who the family believe still lives in the Sawbridgeworth district but who no-one is in touch with.

                            I have searched for a marriage between Charlotte (Bingham) and William and have a certificate for a Lottie and William married in Stepney June 1896. William is a painter and his father Robert is also a painter. Searching on census records I found a Robert in 1881 living and born in Saffron Walden. In 1871 he was staying at the Black Lion Kingston Surrey described as a painter unemployed. There was no William mentioned in the family. If he was the son of this Robert he would probabally have been born in Debden as another of Robert’s sons was. He would have been about 48 when he vanished from the family home. I am not sure if it was usual for a painter (described as a journeyman on my grandmother’s birth certificate) to have to travel away from home to find work. I do wonder what happened to him. I would like to tie him up with the Buntens of Saffron Walden but don’t know where to go next. I was hoping someone had done some research on that family (Robert born about 1827 wife Elizabeth) The only William of about the correct age that I found in 1881 was one living with his grandparents Samuel and Eliza Wright of Saffron Walden. He was born in Debden. It is a shame that marriage certificates don’t say where people were born.


                              Modernisation of UK Civil Registration.

                              01:25PM UTC – Saturday, 25 February 2006
                              Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                              The Federation of Family History Societies (FFHSs) has been negotiating with UK, GRO over improvements which, in future, will benefit all family historians.

                              Once the new computerised Civil Registration indexes are available, all records in the indexes from the September quarter of 1837 onwards (the start of Civil Registration in England and Wales) will include:
                              (a) age at death for deaths (currently included only from the January quarter of 1866);
                              (b) mother’s maiden name for births (currently included only from September quarter of 1911);
                              (c) surname of the other party for marriages (currently included only from the January quarter of 1912).

                              Alongside this, the Digitisation of Vital Events (DoVE) Project is computerising the records of previous registrations. The first in a series of News Bulletins can be read on the GRO web site at


                                Gertrude Bunting

                                11:17AM UTC – Tuesday, 14 March 2006
                                Contributed by: Anonymous

                                I have just been offered a photograph album, which I shall collect within a day or so, appertaining to the above. Details I have so far, parents were Henry and Elizabeth, connections with South London, a Quaker school in Doncaster, was herself a teacher, born around 1900 died 1930 buried in Spalding.

                                Anyone interested either ring me on 07971 457746 or email

                                Roger BUNTING


                                  Bunting in Middlesex.

                                  05:00PM UTC – Wednesday, 15 March 2006
                                  Contributed by: Doreen Lent

                                  Although this isnt my line of Buntings. I have had an enquiry from Australia about Buntings in Middlesex, can anyone give me any information on this that I could forward to him




                                    Workhouse Records

                                    11:09PM UTC – Wednesday, 15 March 2006
                                    Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                    My thanks to Mike Spencer who reported the incidence of a Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK, Bunting.

                                    Mike and another helper, Ken Mycock each put information on the Derbyshire Mailing List which often comes in useful for our Members.

                                    In this instance the reference is from Workhouse records which may take many forms, Admission Registers, Punishment Books and below notes from the Minute Book of the Board of Guardians. (On a visit to the Matlock Record Office in September 2005 I searched the Admission Book for the Belper Union for the death of William Bunting, born in Hazlewood, DBY, circa 1808, over a 10 year period from 1861 – 1871 as his wife had died there in 1907. I was unlucky this time.)

                                    BAKEWELL UNION Board of Guardians. 1 Oct – 8 Oct 1838 Hartington MQ. (MQ = Middle Quarter)

                                    Mary BUNTING 61, single, weak intellect, lives in a house belonging parish.

                                    Is anyone able to place Mary in a family tree?


                                      7 – Editorial

                                      06:39PM UTC – Saturday, 18 March 2006
                                      Contributed by: Mary Rix

                                      The time has now come for our Newsletter no 7. The three and a half years since the Bunting Society was formed have passed very quickly with all the information pouring in on all sides. Our record box will soon be bulging at the sides!

                                      Since the last newsletter we have received a copy of Dawn Hutchinson’s well-written book on George Bunton and Emily (nee Wells) who went to Australia. She also gives a mention to some other Bunton families who went to Australia. Have we anyone out there who will do something similar with the Buntings?

                                      Last weekend I attended the Conference of the Guild of One-Name Studies at Crewe in Cheshire. About fifty members attended. A few brought small displays, so there was plenty of room for the Bunting trees including two that are now twelve feet long (the ends had to stay folded on the floor). I also displayed our newsletters and the books sent by Ian Bunton and Dawn Hutchinson. I was commended by other members of the Guild on our display.

                                      When an article about a Bunting appears in the newspaper I now get copies sent from members and from other people who know of my interest in the name. When David Bunting, the “Anti-Wasp Campaigner” who lives in Salisbury, Wiltshire appeared in the Telegraph the cutting it was sent to me by a member and by another person. I found David’s telephone number in the directory and telephoned him to ask if he had any objection to me putting the article in our newsletter. I also asked about his ancestry to add as a footnote to the article. I was very surprised to find out that he came from Colchester. I already had him on a tree from information given to me by his mother who still lives in Essex.

                                      Roger Bunting continues to find Buntings in Lincolnshire and around Coventry. He sends in their information and manages also to recruit some of them as members.

                                      Our Gathering is booked for the 16th October 1993 at Alpheton Village Hall. It would be helpful to know as soon as possible who is coming so that we know in good time whether the hall will be big enough! I look

                                      forward to meeting old friends as well as the new members on that day.

                                      Mary Rix


                                        Double Buntings – Suffolk and Oxfordshire

                                        02:55PM UTC – Thursday, 23 March 2006
                                        Contributed by: Ron Ellis

                                        Greetings from sunny Yorkshire – from a newish Member No 442

                                        I am asking for help on two fronts, please!

                                        Firstly in my wife’s Suffolk Tree we have a Mary Bunting. The first sighting we have of her is on the IGI marrying Robert Crane in Exning, near Newmarket, Suffolk in October 1765. Robert is my wife’s fourth Great Granduncle and we have a full History from then on. But not a whisper about Mary – nothing on the IGI about birth or christening. There are plenty of Buntings in and around Exning, too. The odd thing is that Robert was born in Marlesford, and this is where their two children were born. Marlesford is a lot nearer the North Sea!

                                        Secondly we move across England and to my own Tree to Shilton in Oxfordshire. Here, in 1818, Hannah Hunt my first cousin 4 times removed, married John Bunting and they had at least three children all born in Asthall, Oxon. Including Richard born 1828 who married a Mary and produced 7 children all born in Asthall except the first one John born in Swinbrook.

                                        As a retired very keen FH Nut, linked with Lost Cousins, Genes Reunited and many Surname Sites I am amazed not to have had a sniff of a relative of any sort! I am in touch with Sue Edwins who is also Bunting-hunting, and have got close, but not close enough.

                                        I appeal for advice, instruction or any contact!

                                        Very Best Wishes to all

                                        Ron Ellis


                                          BUNTING family of Derbyshire

                                          09:48PM UTC – Saturday, 25 March 2006
                                          Contributed by: Anonymous


                                          I am trying to help a friend whose ancestor Samuel BUNTING was born 1840 in Lea Derbyshire son of William Bunting & Hannah Strange and wondered if any members had links with this family.

                                          Many Thanks



                                            William Bunting born 1806

                                            10:38PM UTC – Friday, 31 March 2006
                                            Contributed by: Anonymous

                                            Hi, Looking for baptism of William Bunting 1805 in or near to South Wingfield. He married in 1830 to Hannah Strange who was born in South Wingfield in 1810.

                                            I suspect that his parents were John Buntingand Ann Taylor who married S Wingfield in 1803 and had 2 children baptised there in 1807 and 1809.




                                              8 – Editorial

                                              07:45PM UTC – Monday, 03 April 2006
                                              Contributed by: Mary Rix

                                              Well its that time of year again! No sooner than some of you have read this newsletter it will be time for our annual gathering.

                                              This year I have concentrated on putting as much as possible of the St Catherine’s Index into the computer, and updating the trees.

                                              The last journal showed how far we had linked up the trees and many of the earliest place names you had given had changed. The three main areas of Buntings still appear to be Derbyshire, Norfolk and Oxfordshire.

                                              I hope to have an alphabetical list of Births, Marriages, Deaths and Wills after 1857 ready for members to use at the Gathering as well as the trees which have nearly all been updated.

                                              Christine Grayson-Toms continues to find information about the Bunting store at Norwich, and the family behind the business. She has been out and about photographing the houses they lived in, and has collected the wills that exist for this family. The family tree is featured in the centre of this newsletter.

                                              Michael Bunting has been to the Mormon Family History Centre in London and collected the 1988 IGI on computer disk. I look forward to seeing this when he has put it in a usable form.

                                              Michael Bunting put his (and our) interests in Bunting in theGenealogical Research Directory and has had some enquiries. One of these fitted directly on to one of our existing trees.

                                              The name of the Bunting Society is getting known further afield mainly by word of mouth and by letter. Some people we are contacting now have heard about us but have not got round to joining.

                                              Our chairman George has written another very interesting article. I expect when you read it some of you will recognise your own ancestors. I am afraid none of mine will come into it as they were all farmers and therefore outside the scope of George’s article. I am sure that Edwin Brooks Bunting will recognise his grandfather Aaron who had trade correspondence with Florence Nightingale.

                                              Mary Rix


                                                DNA Helping to Find Bunting Origins

                                                10:25PM UTC – Sunday, 16 April 2006
                                                Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                Channel 4 Television series – THE FACE OF BRITAIN.

                                                This series may help us to find when and where the Buntings came from or perhaps just continued living in Britain. If you qualify to participate in the experiment, follow the instructions below. If you need help with detail about your known tree then e-mail our researcher, Mary Rix, who may be contacted from the “About Us” page listed in the header above. The news of the challenge arose through our membership of the Federation of Family History Societies.
                                                “Imagine if a simple DNA test could show that you’re descended from a Viking warrior, a Saxon farmer or Norman invader. This is what a pioneering project by Oxford University and the Welcome Foundation plan to do for the whole of the UK; and Channel 4 is going to follow the entire process.
                                                This new Channel 4 series is called THE FACE OF BRITAIN and the programme production company Wag TV are currently seeking families who know a lot about their family history but would like to delve even deeper and have their DNA tested to reveal their ancient roots.
                                                To qualify you and at least two generations of your family must come fromone of the following regions:Cornwall, Devon, Pembrokeshire, Oxfordshire, Kent, Sussex, Northumbria,Cumbria, Orkney
                                                If you would be happy to have a simple DNA test and have your family history delved into on television then please contact Wag TV as soon as possible.Email or call Sorrel on: 0207 688 2166.”


                                                  The Bunting Society Gathering 2006

                                                  04:08PM UTC – Thursday, 20 April 2006
                                                  Contributed by: Prue James

                                                  After much debate we have arranged for our 2006 Annual Gathering to return to Suffolk. It will be a one-day event on Saturday 14 October 2006 and the venue will be Alpheton Village Hall.
                                                  We plan to have our Bunting records available, and there will be time for your own Bunting research. Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea will be included as usual. There will be speakers and a brief AGM. The cost per person will be ?10. Members and non-members are all welcome to attend.

                                                  The tour of Tissington Hall last year was very popular and so successful that we are again planning an excursion in the afternoon. It will take the form of a tour around nearby Lavenham, a mediaeval wool town, famous in the Middle Ages for its widely exported blue cloth, as well as being a nationally important industrial centre.

                                                  For those from further afield there is a wide choice of Bed and Breakfast accommodation in the area and details will be available. We hope to be able to help with transport from train or bus routes.

                                                  We’re hoping for a good response from you! Make a note in your diary, book your place on this day which should be very enjoyable and we will see you in October.

                                                  Full details and an application form have been sent to Society Members in April with the Journal.
                                                  A copy of the form is available here to book your place at Alpheton.


                                                    buntings in grantham

                                                    06:22PM UTC – Monday, 24 April 2006
                                                    Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                    Having surfed the net I came across your site. Do you have any infomation about Buntings in Grantham Lincolnshire

                                                    Thank you


                                                      Hannah Doxey Bunting

                                                      12:40PM UTC – Sunday, 30 April 2006
                                                      Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                      Hannah Doxey Bunting was born about 1873 (she says) in Matlock Bath, Derbyshire.
                                                      As yet I haven’t been able to track down a birth registration for her. On her marriage certificate her father was not named. I found her on the 1891 census in Bonsall, Derbyshire, living with her grandmother Ellen Bunting (born abt 1809 in Bonsall). Ellen is a widow living on own means while 18 year old Hannah is working in the cotton mill as a factory hand.


                                                        The Sheffield Flood

                                                        06:17PM UTC – Wednesday, 24 May 2006
                                                        Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                        A colleague from the London Group of Yorkshire Family History Societies, UK drew my attention to a web site on which there are a number of Bunting individuals (15) who submitted damage claims following the unexpected breach of Dale Dyke Dam, Bradfield, on March 11th 1864, which flooded the Loxley and Don Valleys including the low lying parts of Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK.


                                                        I have extracted the names and passed them on to our Record Keeper, Mary Rix, so that she can put them into the context of Bunting families and census information.

                                                        Our thanks must go to the Heritage Lottery for their funding of the project to put the concise information of records from the Sheffield Archives and those of Bradfield Parish Archives onto the site and finally to the Sheffield Hallam University who are the site hosts.

                                                        If you have difficulty navigating the site then let me know.



                                                          MoonWalk 2006

                                                          11:15AM UTC – Thursday, 25 May 2006
                                                          Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                          Congratulations to Tina Bunting of Northwood, UK for participating in this charity walk on the night of May 20th.

                                                          About 14,000 girls and women wearing decorated bras completed the 26.2 mile walk in London, UK, to support breast cancer charities. I believe a thousand men took part too! Their goal was to reach £6,000,000. If you want to make a donation to ensure they do then contactthe web site



                                                            Sarah Bunting B1849

                                                            05:55PM UTC – Thursday, 08 June 2006
                                                            Contributed by: Jim Alsop

                                                            I am trying to trace my Great Grandmother, Sarah Bunting and any confirmation of the following. . On 1891 census, there is a James Alsop, b1848 residing at Whatstandwell, Derbys, Head of family, also entered are Sarah Bunting and a nephew, James Bunting, b 1879 at Hayton, Lancs. In the 1901 census, they have all become Alsop’s and James Bunting is now Alsop, son. thereafter I have only word of mouth that Sarah committed suicide by hanging herself from a lamp post in Moss Side, Manchester in the early 1900’s. James Bunting would be my Grandfather and I would appreciate any help on the whole issue. Jim Alsop


                                                              9 – Editorial

                                                              07:19PM UTC – Tuesday, 13 June 2006
                                                              Contributed by: Mary Rix

                                                              Once again the time has flown! I was hoping to get this journal out at the end of March but I do not know what happened to April.
                                                              I had a visit from Pat Ward during April. I rang her when Michael passed her letter on to me and she was coming to Fordham the next weekend. She had photographs of her ancestors back to George (son of George and Catherine RAMPLIN) and his wife Mary Ann.
                                                              After the last journal went out the new articles for the next journal poured in. I still have some ready for the next journal. Still to come is an article Diane Riley sent us about her ancestor Eli Bunting who went to Australia from Sheffield; An article about the Richard Bunting Endowed School in Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, (The village from which Horatio Nelson came), from David Bunting (Holkham); and John Bunting(1839-1923) Share broker and Company Director from Roger Bunting(Aylesbury). Please continue to send the articles in.


                                                                Federation of FHSs’ Newsflash – June Issue.

                                                                11:19PM UTC – Monday, 26 June 2006
                                                                Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                The June 2006 edition of the Federation of Family History Societies
                                                                newsletter – Newsflash is now available to download from


                                                                  Squadron Leader E N Bunting DFC*

                                                                  05:52PM UTC – Saturday, 15 July 2006
                                                                  Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                  Is anyone in touch with the family of Squadron Leader Edward Nigel Bunting DFC* of St John’s, Worcester, UK?

                                                                  I have a book out next May with a chapter on his service career until his death in action on 31/7/44. He was a night fighter pilot with 85 and 488 Squadrons, and was an ‘ace’ with 9 confirmed kills to his credit.

                                                                  If anyone knows the family, please get in touch.

                                                                  Kind Regards

                                                                  Andrew Long


                                                                    Catherine Sophia Bunting.

                                                                    04:26AM UTC – Wednesday, 19 July 2006
                                                                    Contributed by: Neil and Nonie Rooney

                                                                    Does anyone know anything of Catherine Sophia Bunting (Kate) b.3 January 1836 to William and Elizabeth (nee Lantsbery)?
                                                                    I have found her on 1841 and 61 census but no more. It is possible that she married a Gibson but I can’t find any record. ( LDS family search site has birth recorded as 1834 but I think this is a mistake and christening is recorded as 1836)

                                                                    Her sister Frances was my Gt grandmother, and I have managed to find the rest of the siblings but am stuck with this one. Any help welcomed. Thanks Nonie.


                                                                      Chat Room.

                                                                      11:26AM UTC – Wednesday, 19 July 2006
                                                                      Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                      The facts and figures about the Chat Room tell me that 263 people are eligible to use the service.

                                                                      When I log on to the web site I also enter the Chat Room in the hope that someone will at least write “Hello”. It is a bit exasperating that no one appears to log on when I am also there. Even the Webmaster, his symbol is a camera so you know when he is around, logs out just prior to my trying to write to him! Have I offended someone?

                                                                      I know it does work as I am just about to tell you in another item where you can find an article in the general family history press about it.



                                                                        Meeting Members on Sat. 29th July

                                                                        05:48PM UTC – Sunday, 30 July 2006
                                                                        Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                        On Saturday I was once again running the Society of Genealogists bookstall. This time it was at the Buckinghamshire FHS Open Day in Aylesbury, U.K.

                                                                        I was so pleased that three people, each of whom is a member, came and had a chat. I don’t know everyone by sight but I am always pleased to make a contact as I travel round the country. It happened at the York Race Couse fair at the end of June with two members and sadly with the passage of time I have forgotten their names.

                                                                        This time it was Judith Bunting, wife of our late treasurer Roger, who came along yesterday and was her old bubbly self. She and daughter Phillipa are coming along to our open day on October 14th.

                                                                        John and Janet McMillan, whom I last met a year ago at our first, away AGM from Alpheton, held in Tissington, Derbyshire, had a five minute chat with me. I didn’t sell many family history books!

                                                                        Stan Cook who is no stranger to these pages as he appears in the items about Quainton Buntings, caught me out as I had never met him before. Luckily I was wearing a distinctive yellow, SoG T-shirt with my name on the front and back. Our contact was brief as I was unusually busy at that time but it was great to meet you Stan.

                                                                        My next outings on behalf of the SoG will be at the Great North Fair on Saturday, September 9th in Gateshead. Mary is usually there too on the commercial, TWR stand. Also I hope to be at the Hampshire Open Day on September 24th and the West Surrey Open Day on November 4th. So do come along and make yourself known. You are always welcome. Michael.


                                                                          John A. Bunting

                                                                          01:51PM UTC – Friday, 21 July 2006
                                                                          Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                          I have a deed signed by John A Bunting,builder,selling a tract of land in New York to Moses Lenghi in 1841, the land lies at Thomas Burlings’ Lane .
                                                                          rgds,Dirk Rasschaert,from Belgium.


                                                                            Meeting Members on Sat. 29th July

                                                                            05:48PM UTC – Sunday, 30 July 2006
                                                                            Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                            On Saturday I was once again running the Society of Genealogists bookstall. This time it was at the Buckinghamshire FHS Open Day in Aylesbury, U.K.

                                                                            I was so pleased that three people, each of whom is a member, came and had a chat. I don’t know everyone by sight but I am always pleased to make a contact as I travel round the country. It happened at the York Race Couse fair at the end of June with two members and sadly with the passage of time I have forgotten their names.

                                                                            This time it was Judith Bunting, wife of our late treasurer Roger, who came along yesterday and was her old bubbly self. She and daughter Phillipa are coming along to our open day on October 14th.

                                                                            John and Janet McMillan, whom I last met a year ago at our first, away AGM from Alpheton, held in Tissington, Derbyshire, had a five minute chat with me. I didn’t sell many family history books!

                                                                            Stan Cook who is no stranger to these pages as he appears in the items about Quainton Buntings, caught me out as I had never met him before. Luckily I was wearing a distinctive yellow, SoG T-shirt with my name on the front and back. Our contact was brief as I was unusually busy at that time but it was great to meet you Stan.

                                                                            My next outings on behalf of the SoG will be at the Great North Fair on Saturday, September 9th in Gateshead. Mary is usually there too on the commercial, TWR stand. Also I hope to be at the Hampshire Open Day on September 24th and the West Surrey Open Day on November 4th. So do come along and make yourself known. You are always welcome. Michael.


                                                                              Bunting Clock Makers.

                                                                              06:29PM UTC – Wednesday, 02 August 2006
                                                                              Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                              In searching through my various family history notebooks for a Yorkshire talk I am due to write up I came across a page of a book from the 4th March 2000 written in the Guildhall Library.

                                                                              I apologise for the following being largely in tabular form but I thought the information warranted repeating for its facts even though it is not much of a story.

                                                                              My visit to the Guildhall Library stemmed from my knowledge that our President, George H. Bunting has a tall (often called a Grandfather) clock in one of the passageways of his cottage at Castle Cary, Somerset, UK. The inscribed name of the maker is John Bunting. I believe an article was written about it in one of our early Journals. If I don’t find the reference shortly I will add it later to this article as a “Reply”.

                                                                              There were two reference books which mentioned Bunting Clockmakers and their apprentices. Abbreviations are followed by the full word in brackets the first time they appear.

                                                                              1). Britten’s Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers, 9th Edition. 1982. reference 92681, Page 389.

                                                                              Bunan 1770 Paris, Rue Coquilliere, Etienne, Rouen, m (master). He manufactured in Paris from 1772 -89. An example of his cartell clock being in the Carnavalet M (Museum)

                                                                              Bunting Joshua 1648 – 51 cc (Clockmakers’ Company) app (Apprentice to) Wm Bunting 9 Mar 1648 t/o (turned over) Thos Wolverton 24 Feb 1651 until 1658, but not freed.

                                                                              Bunting William 1631; watch inscribed on the dial “Ioanni Miltoni”.

                                                                              Bunting William 1637 – 45 cc app Thos Dawson 1 Nov 1637 f (Freedom of the Company) 3 Feb 1645; Popes Head Alley, Cornhill. Died circa 1650-54. Took as apprentices:-

                                                                              Feb 1647 Nathan Smith; Jul 1647 John Cann – free 1649; Aug 1647 Thomas Fenn – transferred to John Cann Jun 1650; Mar 1648 Joshua Bunting. Also bound an apprentice for Thomas Knifton, John Cann, Henry Ireland, Edward Taylor, Thomas Wolverston and two for Jeremy Gregory.

                                                                              Bunton ——. North Walsham, Norfolk, UK. Up to 1789 w (Watchmaker).

                                                                              2). Loomes Vol.2 Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World. Ref. R926/81

                                                                              Bunting Daniel, Philadelphia 1844 (There was no indication if this was UK or USA).

                                                                              Bunting John, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, UK circa 1700 – 1780 c (Clockmaker).

                                                                              Bunting William. As listed under Britten above. Michael.


                                                                                Buntings in New Zealand

                                                                                09:57PM UTC – Wednesday, 02 August 2006
                                                                                Contributed by: Ron B

                                                                                My name is Ronald Bunting ,and although I live in Australia I was born in New Zealand.I am interested to hear if anyone has any information regarding my greatgrandfather Father Jabez Bunting who immigrated to New Zealand at the end of the 19th Century. Very Little is known of his origins in the family and apart from the fact my great uncle Cliff Bunting Lived and died in the same house that Jabez built in Auckland ,again there is hardly any information beyond that.I can be contacted at my home email briskiwi at
                                                                                Cheers! Ron Bunting.


                                                                                  Domesday Book 1085/2006 or My Ancestor Lived With and Was Taxed By The Conqueror!

                                                                                  11:04AM UTC – Saturday, 05 August 2006
                                                                                  Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                                  My apologies to Anthony Camp and the Society of Genealogists for appropriating one of their titles, ” My Ancestor Came With The Conqueror” but it did seem apposite!

                                                                                  The National Archives (TNA) formally announced on Thursday that they had released, on their web site (, a modern translation of the Domesday Book.

                                                                                  There are a number of routes into the item from the home page. At the LHS click on “News from the TNA 1085 – 2006”. Read this, then click on “Explore Domesday Now”. Search Domesday Now (fill in the name of the town or village you want) & click GO. Or on the RHS click the “Domesday Panel” then search the town/village or click “Discover” or click “World”. Or, at the bottom of the Home page click on the picture of “the Book”. This gives more information about the book and also searching or click on “More” which leads to Playing the Domesday game.

                                                                                  There are many more facets to the both the book and site before you have to pay for downloading any information that you might want!

                                                                                  Have fun. Michael


                                                                                    Ann or Mary Bunting

                                                                                    08:16AM UTC – Wednesday, 09 August 2006
                                                                                    Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                                    I am looking for information about a Ann Bunting. I know she married a Peter Andresen Oelrichs.

                                                                                    They had a son Henry Fredrick Oelrichs, born in Lühe on 25 April 1815 and baptized in Borstel on 28 April. His parents are listed as Schiffs-Capitain (captain) Peter Andreas Oelrich in Lühe and his wife Mary Bunting, of Norwich, England. His mothers name is Ann on his death certificate, he was a retired civil servant from the dutch east indies and he was on the island of Deshima in Nagaskai in 1840 during the Shogun era. He died aged 65 on 25 January 1881 in Den Hague, Nederlands

                                                                                    There is an IGI record of a marriage between a Peter Oelrichs and Ann Bunting at St Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, 4 April 1809.

                                                                                    Peter Andresen Oelrichs was born 26 February 1781, Helgoland.

                                                                                    So Ann/Mary should I believe be born in Norfolk between about 1780 and 1793.

                                                                                    Best regards

                                                                                    Michael Oelrichs


                                                                                      Buntings of Cheadle/Brinksway

                                                                                      07:52PM UTC – Sunday, 13 August 2006
                                                                                      Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                                      I am having a difficult time locating Samuel Bunting in the 1841 census. He was born 1828 – 1833 (depending on the census), and his father was named William (a weaver) in Cheadle.

                                                                                      The 1851 census onwards have Samuel living in Tonge with his first wife Ann Jackson, then his second wife Mary Burns.

                                                                                      Do you have any further information?

                                                                                      Thank you,

                                                                                      Sharon Desaulniers


                                                                                        A Chance To Have Your Family Written About In A UK, National Newspaper.

                                                                                        10:25PM UTC – Sunday, 13 August 2006
                                                                                        Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                                        The Federation of Family History Societies circulated its Members on August 8th 2006 as follows. Don’t forget to mention where you found out about the enquiry!

                                                                                        GUARDIAN INTERVIEW REQUEST

                                                                                        I am putting together an article on tracing your ancestors for The Guardian
                                                                                        and am looking for people to speak to who have been successful at tracing
                                                                                        their family tree or perhaps even just a specific ancestor – and have
                                                                                        interesting stories to tell. This could be the way that you that you have
                                                                                        traced your tree, what inspired you to begin your search, any particular
                                                                                        extraordinary/characterful ancestors you’ve discovered along the way,
                                                                                        stories that might involve reconciliations between family members or family
                                                                                        stories that illustrate wider social and historical shifts such as
                                                                                        industrial revolution movements, emigration, immigration or war.

                                                                                        Interviews will be done on the phone at a time to suit you and should take
                                                                                        around 20-25 minutes. If anyone would like to share their family tree
                                                                                        stories then please contact Anna Melville-James on 07957 454881 or


                                                                                          William Bunting and Jane Harris

                                                                                          02:50AM UTC – Monday, 14 August 2006
                                                                                          Contributed by: Denise M Pino

                                                                                          My name is Denise Marie Pino and I am a California USA Bunting.

                                                                                          I’m looking for information on my ancestor William Bunting and Jane Harris. (i.e. Birth Certificates/ Records, Marriage Certificates/Records, Death Certificates/Records, Photos, Etc.)

                                                                                          I have William as being born in April 1723 in Tiffield Parish, Northamptonshire County, England. He married Jane on February 6, 1756 in Hardingstone Parish, Northamptonshire County, England. I only have the year she was born which was 1731 in Hardingstone Parish, Northamptonshire County, England.

                                                                                          William died on August 1807 in Quainton, Buckinghamshire County, England. Jane died on October 27, 1817 in Quainton, Buckinghamshire County, England.

                                                                                          I’ve come to a “dead end” on who was William’s parents and also Jane’s. If you have any information which you would like to share, I would very much like to hear from you.

                                                                                          Also, if you are a relation, I do have a Bunting website and would be happy to send you an invitation to visit. It has a lot of family history, photo’s, documents, etc. As our family believes “the more we share”, “the more we learn”.


                                                                                            Arriving in America

                                                                                            03:04AM UTC – Monday, 14 August 2006
                                                                                            Contributed by: Denise M Pino

                                                                                            All five sons of John and Elizabeth Anstiss Bunting of Quainton, Buckinghamshire County, England, emigrated to the United States during the 1830’s.
                                                                                            John Jr., James and Charles and their families left Liverpool, England in April 1830. They sailed on the Ship Hermitage for a new home in the wilds of America. They arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana in June of 1830, then traveled by flatboat up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Shawneetown, Illinois. From there they went by foot and oxcart to the English Settlement of Albion in Edwards County, Illinois. James and Charles setted in Edwards County while John moved on to Michigan.

                                                                                            In July of 1834, George and his family and quite possibly the oldest brother, William and his family, departed from England for America and landed in New York in August of 1834. They too settled in Michigan.


                                                                                              James Bunting, Sr.

                                                                                              03:57AM UTC – Tuesday, 15 August 2006
                                                                                              Contributed by: Denise M Pino

                                                                                              The following can be found in “A History of Edwards County, Illinois Volume One 1980”

                                                                                              James Bunting Sr. was born in Quainton, Buckinghamshire, England, July 6, 1794. He married Charlotte King, born November 17, 1795 in Quainton, England and died December 27, 1840, in Edwards County, Illinois. she is buried in the Little Pariaire Cemetery, Edwards County, Illinois. Charlotte’s parents were Edward and Susan King. James and Charolotte left England with their children aboard the ship “Hermitage,” arriving in New Orelans, June 7, 1830, (excerpt from The History of Edwards, Lawerence and Wabash Counties, Illinois, 1883. In 1830 a large party arrvied from Buckinghamshire, England to our settlement. They came via New Orleans and landed at Shawneetown. Mr. James Bunting, a prominent man of the party, is now living with his numerous family memebers on or near his place north of Albion, Illinois, which he first chose immediately after arrival). James also had brothers that came to this country at this time.

                                                                                              To James and Charlotte were born six children all in England: Emanuael, born 1814, married Anna Powell and Martha Elston: George born 1815, married Elizabeth Willis and Eliza Dolyer; Eliza Marettia, born 1817, married Uriah S. Bailey; Aflred, born 1820, married Elzira Bailey and Elizabeth Saunders; James Jr., born 1822, married Elizabeth Glikerson; Eli, born 1824, married Caroline Ives.

                                                                                              After Charlotte’s death, James Bunting Sr. married Sophia Ives, They had four children: Amos, born 1841, married Emma Summers, Martha Stennett and Lucy Newport; Jason, twin to Amos, married Martha Emmerson, Liilie Warmke and Jessie Snow; Sylvester, born 1842 married Rachel Stafford and Hattie Shaw; Selina, born 1843, married Hugh L. Emmerson. James died September 17, 1870 and is buried in the Little Prairie Cemetery in Edwards County, Illinois.


                                                                                                John Bunting

                                                                                                04:07AM UTC – Tuesday, 15 August 2006
                                                                                                Contributed by: Denise M Pino

                                                                                                This text can be found “In A History Of Edwards County, Illinois – Volume I 1980”

                                                                                                John Bunting was born July 10, 1761 in Tiffield, Northamptonshire, England. He was the son of William and Jane Harris Bunting. John married Elizabeth Anstiss on July 12, 1787 in Quainton, England. Her parents were Thomas Anstiss and Anne, last name unknown. The Anstiss family was one of the wealthiest in Quainton.

                                                                                                John and Elizabeth had nine children: William born 1788 in England, married Rebecca Roadlight and Elizabeth Clark: John Jr. born 1791 in England marired Elizabeth Brasill and Mary Ann Todd; James Sr. born July 6, 1794 in England, married Charlotte King and Sophia Ives; Charles born April 2, 1797 in England, married Elenor; Eliza Maretta, born 1799 died 1817; Salina, born 1808 in England married John Shirley; Emanuel, born 1802 died in 1804; George, born 1806 married Martha Wood; and Sarah, born 1809 died 1823. Charles and Elenor are both buried in Edwards County. Salina and John never left England.

                                                                                                John and Elizabeth, both died in the year 1846, she on February 11th, and he died on February 18th, they are buried in the Quainton Church Cemetery, along with William and Jane Bunting.


                                                                                                  FFHS GENERAL MEETING, 2nd SEPT. 2006

                                                                                                  10:59PM UTC – Thursday, 17 August 2006
                                                                                                  Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                                                  Chairman, Mary Rix, will represent the Society at this meeting. However if there is a Member living in the area who would like to attend but not vote, let me know if you wish to go. We have to notify the Federation for security reasons but no charge is made!

                                                                                                  The venue is The Holdenby Building, Park Campus, University of Northampton, Boughton Green Rd, Northampton. NN2 7AL. The meeting begins at 1.30pm and will end at about 5.00pm. Michael.


                                                                                                    Harry Mulford Bunting

                                                                                                    03:45AM UTC – Friday, 18 August 2006
                                                                                                    Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                                                    Looking for any info on my Bunting ancestors, or present day relatives.I know that my grandfather’ name was Harry Mulford Bunting and I believe that he was named after his father, who was a Doctor in and around Philadelphia, Pa


                                                                                                      Capt William Bunting MC son of John and Sarah Bunting

                                                                                                      03:03PM UTC – Wednesday, 23 August 2006
                                                                                                      Contributed by: Anonymous

                                                                                                      I am trying to trace the ancestors of a Captain William Bunting MC who was killed in Flanders in August 1917.
                                                                                                      I know that his parents John and Sarah Bunting lived in Terrington St John nr Wisbech during the period.

                                                                                                      If anyone can help there is an interesting story involved.


                                                                                                        Genetic/Geographical Mobility.

                                                                                                        10:56PM UTC – Friday, 25 August 2006

                                                                                                        Contributed by: Michael Bunting FSG

                                                                                                        The Federation of Family History Societies, of which we are a member, has drawn our attention to the following study of population movement patterns. Do you qualify to help?
                                                                                                        GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION IN BRITAIN’S GENETIC HISTORY PROJECT

                                                                                                        Did you know that historical patterns of people’s movements, from
                                                                                                        Anglo-Saxon invasions to those of the Vikings and Normans, may have an
                                                                                                        impact on 21st Century medical science?

                                                                                                        To investigate this, three Oxford professors have been given funding by the
                                                                                                        Wellcome Trust to launch a study to analyse the geographical variation in
                                                                                                        Britain’s genetic history.

                                                                                                        If you have settled in the same rural area as your parents and all four
                                                                                                        grandparents and would like to volunteer or learn more about the project,
                                                                                                        get in touch with Susan Tonks or Bruce Winney on +44 (0)1865 228 627, by e-mail
                                                                                              ,, or by post
                                                                                                        Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford,
                                                                                                        OX2 6HE.

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