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      Buntings of Cheadle/Brinksway

      11:29PM UTC – Wednesday, 30 August 2006
      Contributed by: Mrs Sharon Desaulniers

      I really need some help sorting the information I have obtained out as what I believe happened is like a soap opera of sorts. Any information that agrees or disagrees with my research would be greatly appreciated.

      In the Cheadle St Mary transcripts I found Ruth Bunting(1817), William Bunting (1822), Nancy Bunting (1825) and Samuel Bunting (1827). These 4 children were christened to William (weaver) and Mary Bunting. Mary was buried at the parish church of Cheadle Dec 31, 1829.

      The 1841 Census I have Nancy and Ruth living with George and Elizabeth Bunting. There is no mention of either William. The census reference number is: H0107/113/1 Folio 19, Page 36. I believe the other children living with George and Elizabeth are their own children.

      The 1841 census that I have located Samuel on, he is living with Mary Ann Bunting (sister?) The census reference is HO107/548/15 Folio 28 page 15 in Tonge Lancashire

      I have Ruth Bunting marrying George Wood in Heaton Norris in 1846. The 1851 census has Nancy living with them along with a nurse child. The reference to 1851 census is: HO107; Piece: 2156; Folio: 669; Page: 65

      I have found that in the meantime Elizabeth Bunting passed away in 1847 Stockport and George married Lydia Wood in a civil ceremony 1850 Stockport.

      Ruth Bunting Wood passed away in 1855, her husband George Wood married sister Nancy in 1856 Stockport St. Mary.

      Lastly, I am not sure if the person Mary Ann Bunting that Samuel was living with in 1841 was actually named Mary Ann as it is hard to make out on the census. I have not been able to locate her in any further census, nor have I been able to locate a marriage or death for her.

      Sharon Desaulniers


        Windmill, Derbyshire

        04:30PM UTC – Monday, 11 September 2006
        Contributed by: Mrs Sharon Desaulniers

        Does anybody have Buntings from the Windmill area in the late 1700’s?

        Or could someone tell me where can I locate the information as the Family History Centers do not have any microfilms or microfiche for Windmill parish or bishops transcripts.




          King – Bunting

          06:39PM UTC – Friday, 29 September 2006
          Contributed by: Anonymous

          I wonder if anyone one can help. I have just started to research my Friend David Lee’s ancestry.

          His 4 x Great Grandfather was Charles King c.1740 who married jemima Tomkins father of Charlotte King who married your James Bunting.

          I am very interested in learing about this family if someone has some patience with me. Kind Regards Suzannah


            Buntings from Ireland

            01:29AM UTC – Monday, 16 October 2006
            Contributed by: Neil and Nonie Rooney

            We have just discovered, via a birth certificate, that Neil’s branch of Buntings came from Co Down in Ireland. The birth of the first New Zealand born child ( John Stewart Wellington Bunting) in February 1880, shows his father to be James Bunting aged 24 born in Ireland and his mother Dorothea Stewart Bunting formerly Murray, also aged 24. and born in Ireland. These two were married in May 1879 at Waringstown, Co. Down.

            Strangely the marriage certificate of the son, ie John Stewart Wellington Bunting shows his father’s christian names as John Robert Alexander Bunting, but his mother, correctly, as Dorothea nee Murray.

            Maybe John Robert Alexander was fed up with his long name so didn’t use it himself, prefering to be James, though one would have thought a birth certificate called for father’s real name.

            Does anyone know of this family? I see that two members are interested in Buntings from Co Down and one is in NZ! We will be contacting them both but as they are not on email, thought this may also make contact.


              Buntons East London / Norfolk

              08:14PM UTC – Tuesday, 17 October 2006
              Contributed by: Ms Jenny Bunton

              I have recently managed to track down almost all of my grandfather’s siblings & their families & am now in contact with cousins I didn’t know I had.

              However I cannot find my grandfather’s sister who was called Ivy Bunton. She was born in 1906 in East London and I think married a man called Les – possibly surname Groom. I think she had a daughter called Gwendoline.

              I am also interested in Grandad’s dad who I think was called Edward Bunton probably born in 1874 & died around 1914. He had several siblings – Harriet (born 1866?), Emily (1868?), Annie (1870?) Cyril (1876?) & Jessie (1881?). I’d like to find details of any of these siblings and their descendents. My branch of the familh comes from East London although we think there might be a link to Swaffham in Norfolk.

              Any information gratefully received!

              Jenny Bunton


                Death of my Father

                06:57PM UTC – Sunday, 19 November 2006
                Contributed by: Anonymous

                My Father Henry Edward Ronald Bunting died on Friday the 10th of november 2006 aged 82. He was the son of John James Roland Bunting of Littledean , Gloucestershire


                  All entries from 2006…

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